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Join us on Friday 25 September from 7.30 pm @
The Globe Theatre for
the free screening of "Rebelles", with English subtitles.
Licensed bar/café open from 6 pm. The movie will start at 8 pm.
Please note that we do not recommend this movie for children or young teenagers under 15 yo.
Free event, donations welcome.
Brought together by the accidental killing of their lecherous boss, fish-canning factory workers Sandra, Marilyn and Nadine discover a bag
full of stolen cash on the dead man’s body. All three women desperately in need, they decide to steal the money and to get rid of his corpse
– by canning it. What could have been a perfect plan quickly heads south when the gangsters to whom the loot belonged turn up, and the tins
containing the remains of the dead boss are delivered to a charity for distribution.
Watch the trailer here.