Alliance Française Palmerston North is proud to participate in the annual international Alliance Française Foundation photo contest which is run under the high patronage of a different famous photographer each year.
In 2015, in honour of the 21st United Nations Conference on Climate Change to be held in Paris from 30 November until 11 December 2015, the Alliance Française Foundation chose "Climate: State of Emergency" as its theme and Yann Arthus-Bertrand as its patron.
In 2016, the theme was "Objectif Sport". Sport is regulated by specific rules and customs which form an integral part of the
culture of a country or community. It also plays a strong social role within the current and traditional societies. The aim for the entrants
worldwide was to capture in images what in their opinion describes best the sporting activity in their respective country.
The theme this year is "Fashion and Dress Codes". The contest aims at demonstrating the breadth and richness of the cultural
heritage and above all, of the contemporary creativity and innovations around the world. In one word, as in previous years, this contest
aims at showing the world’s diversity.
The contest usually takes place from March to May with the announcement of the winner around October. The winning amateur photographer is offered a private exhibition in a Parisian gallery and a week in the French capital. The twenty best photos are exhibited in Paris as well.
If you're interested in joining the contest, enter your details below to get in touch with our team.