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Second Call for Nominations
A call for nominations in 2021 was widely circulated in February-March, but did not gain any responses. It was probably too early in the year, when programmes were just getting underway after last year’s interruptions. As a result, the executive of the Fédération des Alliances Françaises has decided to call again for nominations, with a closing date of
Friday, 18 June 2021.
The John Dunmore Medal is a very important prize honouring outstanding New Zealand contributions to knowledge of the French people and the French language in world culture, particularly, but not exclusively, in the Pacific region. It marks a long French presence in this part of the world, currently maintained and extended in teaching, learning, research. and translation activity, as well as in cultural and literary exchanges. The prize enhances in New Zealand the prominence and value of knowledge of the French language and France, and of the wide Francophone world, inspiring new endeavours and helping create solidarity among established and emerging scholars, whose sustained efforts in the difficult times we are all experiencing, might not attract the recognition they deserve. The award of the John Dunmore Medal is a tangible reminder of the value of the close relations existing between New Zealand and France.
Nominations are invited for the award of the John Dunmore Medal, which recognises outstanding contributions to the knowledge and understanding of the part played by the French people or the French language in the development of historical, intellectual, scientific, economic, or other aspects of world culture, preference being given, although not exclusively, to the Pacific region. The criteria, eligibility and selection procedures are set out in the attachment.
Please note especially that the eligibility conditions have been modified to recognise a wider field of study. Thus it is hoped to
increase the number and range of nominations and to make the award, which was established in 1984, more competitive.
Nominations must include:
•a curriculum vitae and a list of the nominee's relevant publications,
• a supporting statement from the individual(s) or organisation making the nomination.
Please send your nomination by the closing date Friday, 18 June 2021 to:
Emeritus Professor Glynnis Cropp
8 Moana Street, Palmerston North 4410.
For further information, contact Professor Glynnis Cropp at the above e-mail address.
Download the nomination conditions here.