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Alliance Francaise Palmerston North is proud to present Jason Bae, who will perform a French repertoire piano recital at the Globe Theatre
on Wednesday 23 June.
Jason Bae is an extremely talented and widely acclaimed recitalist and has won many prizes. In Palmerston North, his recital will include
music from famous French piano composers.
Drinks from 7 pm, piano recital starts at 7.30 pm.
Tickets available from the Globe Theatre box office.
About the artist:
Jason Bae, born in South Korea, is a world-renowned classical concert pianist, conductor and Steinway Artist. He was invited to New Zealand in 2020 to teach piano as “Artist-Teacher” at the University of Auckland.
Prior to this Jason lived in Europe for seven years, working in 2019 with the Orchestre philharmonique de Radio France at Maison de la
Radio as an assistant conductor to his mentor, maestro Jukka-Pekka Sarastein. He also had a close working relationship with renowned
pianist and professor, Tamas Vesmas at Scholar Cantonum inParis. Jason’s special connection to France has brought him to Palmerston North
as one of the Alliance Française’s visiting artists.
Recital Programme:
7.30 - 8.15 pm
Pavane pour une infante défunte, M.19, 6 mins . . . . . . . . . . Maurice Ravel
Sonatine, M. 40, 11 mins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maurice Ravel
I. Modéré
II. Mouvement de menuet
III. Animé
Le Tombeau de Couperin, M. 68, 25 mins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maurice Ravel
I. Prélude
II. Fugue
III. Forlane
IV. Rigaudon
V. Menuet
VI. Toccata
8.15 pm - Intermission
8:35 – 9.15 pm
Ballade Op.19, 15 mis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gabriel Fauré
Les soirées de Nazelles, FP 84, 25 mins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Francis Poulenc
Variations 1: Le comble de la distinction
Variations 2: Le coer sur la main
Variations 3: La desinvoltue et la discretion
Variations 4: La suite dans le idées
Variations 5: Le charme enjoleur
Variations 6: Le contentement de soi
Variations 7: Le gout du malheur
Variations 8: L’alerte vieilesse